The Novice’s Guide to Mastering Moth Orchid Culture in Less Than 1 Hour
Easiest Guide to understand and the only orchid book you will ever need!
Have you failed at growing orchids? Can’t get them to rebloom, or even keep them alive? Check out what others are saying about my Moth Orchid Mastery.
This is orchid growing SIMPLIFIED! You won’t believe how easy they are to grow if you follow my instructions!


Have you asked yourself any of these questions?
Is your orchid dying and you don’t know why? Do you want to learn how to save your orchid so it thrives? Maybe your plant looks OK but just isn’t growing? Or maybe it is putting out new leaves but you never get flowers? Have you found other orchid literature too complicated and are just plain confused and think orchid care is difficult?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this eBook is for you!

This book is very true to its title
This book is very concise and contains no hard to understand technical terms. Just plain, easy to understand guidance from someone that has been growing orchids for over 20 years.
Easily read in under an hour, if you follow my advice, you will be armed with all the knowledge and confidence that you need to grow and bloom these “elusive” beauties!
You will be shocked at how easy these plants are to grow if you follow my advice! People tell me this all the time after this book transformed them from orchid killer to orchid winner!

Learn all the basics with no frills
In plain and simple language, you will finally learn how to grow and rebloom your Phalaenopsis orchid with ease! If I can teach my mother-in-law how to do it, you can too!
Learn all about light, watering, fertilizing, temperature, humidity, flowering, repotting, dos and don’ts, and common orchid pests.
Orchids are easy to grow if you stick with me!

Don’t take my word for it though…
take a look at just a few of my happy customer reviews.

“I wish I had found this book earlier! Not only is it written in a very straight forward and conversational tone, the information is accurate without being overly technical.”
– Gretchen

“I graduated with a minor in horticulture and as someone who has taken extensive classes on the subject this is one of the best books I’ve seen.”
– Cynthia

“Incredibly informative, this book has given me the courage to re-pot both my orchids. I have recommended this book to many people since finishing it and I’m hoping it gives them the same confidence that it gave me.”
– Cammy
Download your PDF eBook copy of Moth Orchid Mastery below

Raffaele Di Lallo is the founder of Ohio Tropics and has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn how to grow houseplants. He is the author of Houseplant Warrior: 7 Keys to Unlocking the Mysteries of Houseplant Care (published by Countryman Press). The New York Times called him a “master problem solver.”
His daily tips on Instagram (@ohiotropics) and his houseplant blog www.ohiotropics.com continue to inspire and educate countless people every month on houseplant care.
His blog site has readers in over 150 countries and has been named in the top 25 houseplant blogs on the internet. Besides being a lifetime gardener, he has received his Certificate of Home Horticulture from the Oregon State University as a part of their Master Gardener program, completed a Green Gardener program at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, and is a member of the American Orchid Society.
Raffaele earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.
Raffaele has been interviewed on multiple podcasts including On the Ledge, hosted by Jane Perrone in the U.K., and has made many appearances on television, educating others about plant care.