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Wondering how to propagate Hoya linearis? It is simple and easy to do, so keep reading and I will show you step by step and with photos so you can easily follow along!

First go ahead and take some cuttings. My own Hoya linearis plant grew over 6 feet long, so I went ahead and took some cuttings by chopping off a few strands.

When you take cuttings, you’ll notice that the ends will exude a white, milky substance that is sticky. This is characteristic of any plant in the milkweed family.

Be sure to wash your hands if you come in contact with the white sap.
Next, I went ahead and made several small cuttings to use for propagation just like in the photo below:

Each of my cuttings contained two nodes (where the leaf meets the stem). In the photo above I have illustrated approximately where you’d bury each cutting into the soil.
Essentially, you’ll want to bury one node just under the soil line. It is OK if you bury the bottom set of leaves partially and it is not necessary to take the bottom set of leaves off.
You could have also taken single node cuttings instead of two node cuttings like I showed above. Either way will work.
At this point, you can use water propagation if you’d like, but soil propagation is a much more efficient process.
For water propagation, just make sure that the bottom node on each cutting is under water. Once the roots start growing and are about half an inch long or so, you can plant them.
My preferred method though is soil propagation. Use a small pot (I used plastic 4″ nursery pots) and fill it with a potting medium. A good propagation medium includes 2 parts of an all-purpose potting mix and 1 part perlite to make it nice a fluffy.
Lately though, I’ve been absolutely loving the House Houseplant Mix made by Tilth Soil. I use it straight out of the bag for both soil propagation as well as for general use for potting plants.
It’s an amazing, nutritious, and sustainable potting mix. Food scraps are collected and composted and used in this blend, lessening the burden in landfills, and providing an incredibly wonderful medium! I’ve tested out the potting mix and it works beautifully!
Once you have your small pot full of potting mix, take each cutting, dip the bottom node in water, and then in a rooting hormone (you can easily purchase from Amazon).

Dipping it in water first will allow the rooting hormone to adhere to the cutting. Although it is not completely necessary to use rooting hormone, it will speed up the process and increase the success rate.
Then insert the cutting into the potting mix in a small pot so that the node is buried slightly under the surface. Keep repeating and don’t be afraid to insert many cuttings into the pot. Spacing them about half an inch apart is not too close.

Once you have all your cuttings planted, very gently water your pot. Keep the medium fairly moist. I like to wait until the surface feels dry, and then I go ahead and water again. Never let the medium go completely dry while the cuttings are rooting.
Lastly, I recommend using a heating mat. By providing bottom heat, it is incredibly helpful to encourage rooting and will expedite the process significantly!
You can obtain a heating mat very inexpensively from Amazon, and I use it every time I propagate now. Simply place the pot with your cuttings on top of the mat, and make sure your plant is getting good light, either right in front of a window or under grow lights.

If you are using a heating mat, which I highly recommend for good results, keep a very close eye on the soil moisture since it will dry out more quickly.
Lastly, increasing humidity while cuttings are rooting can help out tremendously. Cuttings will continue to transpire water through their leaves, and with no roots yet to draw in water, it can cause them to dehydrate.
Plants transpire water more rapidly in low humidity, so if you increase the humidity, they’ll release less water and this will benefit the cuttings while they’re trying to root.
I wrote a blog post on general methods to increase humidity for your houseplants. However, if you just want to increase the humidity on a smaller scale for your cuttings, there is a simple method you can employ.
You can create a mini “greenhouse” by inserting a couple small bamboo stakes or supports in your plant’s pot, and then suspending a clear plastic bag on top.
Another method is to use a cloche, which you can purchase on Amazon. Not only is it functional, but it is also beautiful!
That’s about it! I will update this post as my cuttings proceed along and start growing. If you’d like to know further details on growing this plant, check out my Hoya Linearis care blog post with everything you need to grow a beautiful plant.
Do you have any questions on Hoya linearis propagation? Comment below. I’d love to hear!
Julia Taaffe
Tuesday 27th of June 2023
Hello! I recently rescued what I believe to be Hoya Linaerus from a friend who was about to throw it out. I’m wondering whether I can bring it back to health, or just try to propagate new plants from cuttings. Do you have any advice for me and this poor fellow? Thanks in advance for your help! Julia Taaffe
Tuesday 27th of June 2023
I would maybe start by nursing it a bit, and then propagate it. Just be careful with those terra cotta pots. They dry out really quickly, so keep an eye on it that it's not drying out too much. Hoya linearis doesn't like to dry out as much as most other hoyas. Good luck!
Monday 3rd of April 2023
Great article, thanks. Any thoughts on how to make hoya linearis form side branches. Thanks
Monday 3rd of April 2023
Glad you enjoyed it Paul! Their habit is to just grow long and hang down, but I actually haven't looked closely enough to see if mine has branched at all! You can try to encourage this though by snipping off the ends of each vine or lightly trimming your plant and see what happens.
Lona Northener
Wednesday 24th of August 2022
Hello, your description of caring for Hoya Linearis has been very helpful. I had no idea how to care for mine. I had it outside in the morning sun and it has been very hot on some days. Most of the stems have dried up with some green leaves on the bottom of them. They are dried up coming out of the soil. I have now brought it back in and watered it and it's in front of a window. I did cut some of the stems off and have them in water. I will cut them like your video shows and pot them in soil so hopefully they will root. Since the tops of the stems are dried and brown do you think that the parts that are still green will survive?
Thank you, Lona Northener
Wednesday 24th of August 2022
Hi Lona! I'm glad you enjoyed the article. These are cooler growing Hoyas so they can suffer a bit when it's too hot. If the stems are completely brown and dried up, those will not come back unfortunately. If you propagate, make sure you keep the humidity high for the most success. Some time in a clear plastic bag will help (just keep it out of the sun if you do that so it doesn't cook!).
Thursday 28th of April 2022
The leaves of one of 5 strands of my linearis are drooping. The other strands have lively leaves. The droopy strands is about foot long. Can the weak strand be cut and rerooted? Or propagated?
Thursday 28th of April 2022
I'd have to see a photo of it, but yes, you can try cutting it back and propagating it.
Rosie W
Sunday 14th of February 2021
I think we propogated at nearly the same time (4th January for me).. And I've been keeping an eye out on your post for updates. I'VE JUST FOUND A NEW SHOOT! I'm over the moon.
Sunday 14th of February 2021
Hi Rosie! I have new growth on mine as well :-).