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The Philodendron genus of plants is one of the largest members of the aroid plant family, and many species are very well suited to growing indoors. They make for wonderful, easy to care for houseplants! Here are 13 stunning, easy to grow Philodendrons that you can consider adding to your houseplant collection.

The word Philodendron is derived from the Greek language.
Philo comes from the word for “love” and dendron means “tree”. It is literally a “tree lover” and many Philodendron plants will climb up trees in nature.
Table of Contents
13 Easy & Beautiful Philodendrons to Grow
1. Heartleaf Philodendron
Philodendron hederaceum, or the common Heartleaf Philodendron, is a staple in any houseplant collection. Inexpensive, easy to find, easy to care for and propagate…what more can you ask for?

This plant is by far one of the easiest houseplants that you can grow in the home. It will grow practically anywhere, and is one of the few houseplants that will do OK situated far from a window.
Of course, growth will be more vigorous in a brighter spot. Like any Philodendron, give your heartleaf philodendron plenty of bright indirect light, and even a couple hours of direct sun for best results.
If you want a bushier, fuller plant, trim it regularly, and you can use the cuttings to propagate.
2. Philodendron ‘Brasil’
Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’ is a beautiful cultivar of the plain green heartleaf philodendron.
The variegated leaves are stunning, with yellow and lime green markings.
The care is similar to heartleaf philodendron, but it will benefit from slightly brighter light since it is variegated.

Typically grown as a hanging basket, you can also train it to grow on a moss pole if you’d like.
This plant is just as easy to grow as the plain green heartleaf philodendron, but isn’t quite as fast growing.
3. Philodendron melanochrysum
Philodendron melanochrysum, commonly known as Black Gold Philodendron, is a gorgeous species.
Harder to find than than previous two just mentioned, it is also much more expensive.
The photo below shows a juvenile plant (lower left hand corner). The juvenile leaves appear bronze colored and are typically 2-4″ long.

In nature, once they start to climb on trees, the leaves start to increase in size and can grow up to about 2 feet long!
If you want larger leaves, you can replicate this indoors by giving your melanochrysum support with a moss pole or any other support that it can attach onto.
Otherwise, you can happily grow the plant in a hanging basket but it will retain the juvenile sized leaves.
4. Philodendron micans
Philodendron hederaceum ‘Micans’ is similar to the plain green heartleaf philodendron, except it has fuzzy, softer leaves.
Grow this one in a hanging basket, or you can also give it a support to climb on since it is vining.

5. Philodendron xanadu
Now technically classified as Thaumatophyllum xanadu, it was previously called Philodendron xanadu.
Many people still call it a Philodendron, even though it is not technically classified as one anymore, so I included it on the list. It is equally easy to grow.

Unlike all the previously listed plants, this one is not vining in nature so no support is needed.
6. Philodendron ‘Red Congo’
Also known as Philodendron Rojo Congo, these plants can get quite large and are not vining in nature.
They are considered “self-heading” plants, meaning that the stems are study enough to hold themselves up without any support.
The new leaves start out with a bright red color and then slowly mature to a deep green.

7. Philodendron ‘Moonlight’
The new foliage on Philodendron ‘Moonlight’ starts off in a beautiful, bright chartreuse color and then matures to an emerald green. The contrast between the two is beautiful.

‘Moonlight’ is more of a shrubby plant and not a climber so no support is necessary.
8. Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
This stunning Philodendron has foliage that starts off with foliage that is yellow to yellow/orange that eventually mature to a green color.
This variety is also a self-heading type and is not vining, so no support is necessary.

9. Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’
This fast growing, vining Philodendron has beautiful, elongated, shiny, narrow leaves. It’s a wonderful, super-easy to grow and care for Philodendron that will lend an exotic look to any home.

10. Philodendron ‘White Knight’
This stunning Philodendron is harder to find than many on this list but is extremely striking. It looks very similar to Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ but with white variegation.
Because of the heavy variegation, it tends to be rather slow growing.
It is a climbing variety, so give it a support. If you’d rather not have it climb, simply trim it and it will stay bushier (and you can then propagate the cuttings!).
11. Philodendron ‘Silver Sword’
Philodendron hastatum, commonly known as the silver sword philodendron, this vining plant has striking silvery green leaves, like its common name suggests.

Best grown with a support, the plant will look a bit awkward without one.
12. Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’
One of the most coveted philodendron plants out there, Philodendron “Pink Princess’ is one of the most striking foliage plants with its electric pink variegation.
Like any heavily variegated plant, expect slower growth.

13. Philodendron ‘Birkin’
Philodendron ‘Birkin’ is another striking foliage plant, and it starts off with leaves that are mostly white, and then develop more green as they mature.

For more information on the care of specific Philodendron plants, check out my care guides below:
For Philodendron ‘Pink Princess”, I have several posts that you may enjoy:
Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ Care
Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ Propagation
Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ Problems
Why You Should Not Buy Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ Seeds
What are your favorite Philodendron plants? Comment below, I’d love to hear!