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Are you as obsessed with “String of…” plants as I am? From String of Pearls to String of Pickles and everything in between, here are 12 fascinating plants that you can add to your collection! Some are more readily available than others, but keep looking because they are all treasures for any plant lover.

1. String of Hearts – Ceropegia linearis subp. woodii
Also known as String of Chains, String of Rosary and Rosary Vine, this is one of my favorite “string of” plants! This African native is easy to grow as well as easy to propagate. For the most robust growth, be sure to give them at least some direct sun indoors.
Stems can trail several feet long and they have a pretty rapid growth rate. There are also several different and fun ways to propagate String of Hearts.

2. String of Bananas – Curio radicans
Sometimes known as String of Fishhooks, String of Bananas is a great alternative if you’ve failed at growing String of Pearls! Give it plenty of direct sun though in order to keep growth robust and so that growth isn’t weak and thin. In my experience, growth is also more rapid than String of Pearls.
It is also very easy to propagate String of Bananas.

3. String of Needles
Very closely related to String of Hearts, String of Needles has thinner and longer foliage and is harder to find.

4. String of Pearls – Curio rowleyanus
Also known as String of Beads, String of Pearls has a reputation for being notoriously finicky. If you can provide enough direct sun indoors, it will be much easier to keep. I would recommend at least half a day of direct sun. If you don’t have this available, use supplemental grow lights to help you out.

5. String of Buttons – Crassula perforata
This creeping succulent is native to South Africa. The leaves are an unusual triangular shape and have reddish edges.

6. String of Raindrops
Like String of Bananas, String is Raindrops can be much easier to grow than String of Pearls. Give this trailing succulent plenty of sunshine for best growth.

7. String of Dolphins – Curio x pereginus
This very unusual, hard to find trailing succulent has leaves that look like dolphins!

8. String of Pickles – Othonna capensis
Also known as Ruby Necklace Plant, this is a beautiful, colorful succulent. The more light you can provide, the more purple the foliage will be.

9. String of Nickles – Dischidia nummularia
This unusual epiphytic plant is native to Asia and part of Australia and often form dense mats on trees. Try and give these plants high humidity and moisten the foliage too when you water.

10. String of Turtles – Peperomia prostrata
This native of Ecuador has stunning foliage whose markings resemble turtle shells. Although they bloom, the flowers are insignificant. I usually cut the flowers off when they form so that my plant can focus its energy on growing more of its beautiful foliage.

11. String of Tears – Curio citriformis
This unusual, slow-growing succulent is native to Africa and have tear-shaped leaves. Be sure to give this plant plenty of direct sun, excellent drainage and keep the potting mix pretty dry in between watering.

12. String of Watermelon – Curio herreanus
Previously known as Senecio herreanus, as the common name suggests, the leaves have markings reminiscent of watermelon rinds. Like many of the plants on this list, be sure to provide, bright, sunny conditions for best results.

If you’re looking for an amazing potting mix that you can use straight out of the bag for your “String of” plants, check out the String of Things soil blend from Oh Happy Plants. This is an amazing mix and you will get 10% off at checkout automatically if you use my link.
Karen Traynham
Friday 28th of January 2022
Pls help.. I been watching you videos on YouTube and reading info here. I don't have a green thumb at all.. I love the ponytail palms and recently bought a 4 " and 6 " potted plant from etsy. I mixed my soil as you said you did. Repotted to a slightly larger planter leaving approx 2 in on sides. My prob is you said not to water them much. I do the finger thing to test for dryness on when to water. My problem is, it always seems dry very dry. Usually after a couple days it is dry and I need to add a little water. One of them is getting really brown stems. I know it was pot bound in the 4" planter when received cuz it had roots coming out the bottom. I went to a 6" planter but it still stays very dry... pls help
Friday 28th of January 2022
Hi Karen. You need to water all plants thoroughly. I never said not to water the plant much. You do want the soil to dry out a bit before watering again...but you should always water thoroughly. If you find that the water streams through without absorbing much into the soil, then water again several times in a row until the soil has absorbed some water. Sometimes, when potting mixes reach the point where they are ultra dry, they actually repel water and you have to work at it a little so that it can accept water again. I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you still have more questions. This should do the trick though!